Infants and Children

Babies are our favorite patients. They arrive in our practice weary and wonderful and in need of therapeutic support to ease the pressures of the birth process. Labor can leave infants with a variety of uncomfortable somatic restrictions that frustrate them (and you) and cause disruption to their development.
If you think your baby is struggling with birth related issues, we're here to help.
Craniosacral therapy can be particularly beneficial in treating newborns and infants. Tensions and restrictions in the baby's head, spine and body can result from various pressures experienced during late pregnancy and the forces of labor. These pressures can be increased by difficult labors, forceps or vacuum assisted births or emergency caesarean births). These restrictions can cause discomfort in infants, disturbed sleep patterns, difficulty nursing, colic and digestive issues.
Signs your baby could benefit from Craniosacral therapy:
Your baby tends to lie “banana shaped”, always curved to one side
Your baby has an uneven head shape
Your baby tends to favor looking /turning their head to one side
If breastfeeding, your baby latches more easily on one side
Your baby has sluggish bowel function
Your baby seems more unsettled than you would expect
Your baby is having difficulty sleeping even after being fully fed, dry, burped
At what age can a baby have Craniosacral therapy?
The youngest babies we treat are 3 or 4 days old, after their first out-patient pediatrician appointment.
Symptoms/Conditions that can be helped with CST:
Birth traumas and other perinatal challenges
Infant latching/sucking difficulties
Ear infections
Torticollis and plagiocephaly
Reflux and colic
Facial asymmetries and eye motor problems;
Learning disabilities, A.D.D., A.D.H.D;
Gross and fine motor problems;
Developmental delays, autism;
Concussion, and post concussion symptoms;
Tinnitus, hearing loss and vertigo;
TMJ syndrome;
Stress disorders and insomnia;
Muscle and joint pain or injury; and
Many neurological conditions and pain syndromes.​